SGSB at patient conference

On June 1, 2024, the German Depression Aid and Suicide Prevention Foundation and the German Depression League e.V.  are once again organizing a depression patient conference.

According to a press release, 5.3 million Germans suffer from depression that requires treatment every year.

“The feeling of loneliness is a sign of depression. The Germany Depression Barometer has shown that people in a depressive phase of illness can hardly feel any feelings of closeness and connection and feel lonely even if they are well integrated socially. That’s why we as organizers deliberately chose the motto ‘Together instead of alone’ for the congress,”

says Professor Ulrich Hegerl, Chairman of the German Depression Aid Foundation and psychiatrist at the University of Frankfurt/Main.

“This year’s Depression Patient Congress will certainly be a moving community experience, just like previous events. Sick people and their relatives see that they are by no means alone affected, and this intensive exchange among each other is one reason why so many sufferers and relatives continue to take part,”

adds Waltraud Rinke, chairwoman of the German Depression League.

We will have a stand again this year. Will we see you there?