Suicide Prevention

The National Suicide Prevention Program (NaSPro) recently published the current suicide data for Germany.

In 2022, over 10,000 people died by suicide! That’s more deaths than from traffic accidents, murder and manslaughter, illegal drugs and AIDS combined! Unbelievable?!

And even though suicidality is a highly complex phenomenon, studies show that the risk of suicide is increased in all mental illnesses. According to NaSPro, a whopping 40 to 60% of those who died by suicide were judged to be depressed!

If these facts and figures make you think – like us – you will find technically sound and helpful information at the following internet addresses:

The National Suicide Prevention Program (NaSPro) for Germany is a nationwide cooperative network with the aim of promoting and developing suicide prevention.

Friends for Life provides information about depression and suicide.

Neuhland Help in Crisis gGmbH has many years of expertise in the area of suicide prevention for children, adolescents and young adults.